Django, ZeroMQ and Celery: multiprocessing gotcha
Sep 27, 2012
Dick Brouwer
1 minute read

Django, ZeroMQ and Celery: multiprocessing gotcha

ZeroMQ can be a great tool, however, there a few things to keep in mind, especially if you are using it in conjunction with Celery (not as a message broker, I assume you’re using something else like RabbitMQ for this).

It’s not very well documented, but during launch, Celery uses multiprocessing to start the Python workers. On Unix-based systems, multiprocessing uses the fork() system call to spawn new processes. Forking copies the parent process into a new process, which causes an issue with open file descriptors (including sockets). This would also be a problem for Django’s database connection, but Celery will reset that by default.

So, if you are using ZeroMQ inside a Celery task (for logging for example), you need to force the worker to manually close and re-open the ZeroMQ context. You can easily do this using the built-in Celery signal worker_process_init. The following helper module takes care of this:

from celery import signals
import zmq

import logging
log = logging.getLogger("app." + __name__)


context = zmq.Context()
context.linger = ZMQ_SOCKET_LINGER

def reset_zmq_context(**kwargs):
    log.debug("Resetting ZMQ Context")

def get_context():
    global context
    if context.closed:
        context = zmq.Context()
        context.linger = ZMQ_SOCKET_LINGER
    return context

def reset_context():
    global context
    context = zmq.Context()
    context.linger = ZMQ_SOCKET_LINGER

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